Victoria, BC’s mini gaming convention

day of boardgamers


day of boardgamers

We started Day of Boardgamers in 2011 in Victoria BC. It was made fill a niche where there was no local convention for board gamers to get together and play board games as the main focus. We’ve moved around various locations, and cancelled due to COVID, but it’s always been part of our DNA - get people together to play games. We are currently organizing DoB 15, to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion on Gorge Road on July 27th, 2024.


To be announced! Please join our mailing list for updates when they happen.


  • Space to play Board Games

  • Sales Table

  • Math Trade

  • Pre-event, self organizing game sign up

  • Food and drink on site (all tickets include $5 voucher)


  • Blood on the Clocktower

(keep scrolling down for more info on everything!)

Math Trade

Clint Sinclair’s “Swaptagon” website is being used to run a Math Trade.

In short, you list a games you are happy to trade away; and select games that you’d be happy to trade for them. Math Happens, and you bring along the successful swaps and pick up your new games.

Math Trades can be dropped off from 10.30am, and pick ups will start around 11am - or whenever Clint and his team have everything in order. You don’t need a ticket to take part in the Math Trade, but you will not be able to enter the main gaming hall.

Blood on the Clock Tower

Blood on the Clocktower is a game of murder and mystery, lies and logic, deduction and deception for five to twelve courageous players and one devious storyteller. You can learn more here. Two sessions will run at Day of Boardgamers - one at 1.30pm and another at 3.30pm.

Just sign up on the day - or join in if there’s a free seat.

Big games

You like big epic games that need a few hours and other players prepped and ready to play? Dying to get 1830 running with 4 players; or Eclipse with all the expansions going?

Or you have something a little smaller, but still would like to find opponents for that odd little German economic game you picked up, but your regular group doesn’t want to play?

Or maybe you are looking to join one of the above?

Sales Table

The Sales table allows you to bring in games you no longer want and purchase new-to-you games! The sales table opens from drop off at 10.30am - sale will not start till 11am to allow us to process the incoming games first!

How it works:

  1. Decide which games you want to sell. The first 10 cost nothing, then it’s $5 for every 5 you place.

  2. Label up the games clearly with your name, the price and the name of the game. Labels come off - we need all three bits of info.

  3. Fill out this list with all your games you are selling and bring it with you. (Word Version)

  4. Drop of the list with the sales table organizer who’ll keep it as their master list.

  5. Put your games on the table.

  6. Go play games!

  7. We can settle up when you leave - we will start closing the table around 6.30pm.

    We can not take your unsold games you don’t want. Please take them home.

Join Us


Royal Canadian Legion,

Pro Patria Branch
411 Gorge Road East
Victoria, BC, Canada, V8T 2W1

Main entrance is on Dunedin Street. Parking available all day.

Victoria Bus Routes 8, 9 and 11 stop outside.


Treasure Hunts


Puzzled Pint